Charleville Fishing & Restocking Club Inc.
General Rules
Lines & Traps
Prohibited Items
While fishing in fresh water a person must not use at one time more than four canister traps, four collapsible traps, four dillies, four funnel traps or four round traps, or more than four of these traps in any combination.
No age limit applies to fishing in Queensland but children should be of an age where they can be responsible for the use of their own fishing gear. In freshwater areas, fish may only be caught using:
a fishing line that consists of a hand-held line with or without a pole, reel or rod
a trap that can be a canister trap, collapsible trap, dilly trap, funnel trap or round trap
a scoop or dip net (cast nets and bait nets cannot be used).
No more than six fishing lines should be used alone or combined.
A set fishing line must not be used.
A set fishing line must not be used as a cross-line.
Only one hook, artificial fly, bait jig or lure can be attached to a line.
You can’t be more than 50m away from any of your fishing lines.
Set lines
Cod lines
All forms of nets except landing nets and scoop or dip nets
Fish traps
Drum nets
Spears and spear guns
Cast Nets
Bait Nets
Crab Pots
Seine nets
Worm digging fork
Hand pumps
Funnel Opera House Funnel Trap Collapsible Trap Open top Pyramid Trap Reels Scoop Net Canister Trap
Funnel & Round Traps
Collapsible Traps
The maximum funnel trap size is 70cm long or diameter and 50cm high or wide.
The maximum mesh size of funnel traps is 25mm, with up to a maximum of 4 entrances made of rigid material.
The maximum entrance size is 10cm. The following restrictions apply:
Funnel traps with a maximum rigid opening size of 5cm in all dimensions can be used in all Queensland fresh waters
Freshwater and tidal water (crab apparatus only)
The trap should be made of rigid material and have at least one collapsible side.
Dilly Nets
The net must not have a diameter of more than 125cm and a mesh size of more than 25mm.
Marking Traps
A tag must be attached to the trap with the surname and address of the person using the trap.
A light coloured solid float should be attached to the trap if it is not fixed to a stationery object above water level. The float must feature the user’s surname and be 15cm in each dimension.
Scoop or Dip Net
Must not exceed 1m in any dimension.
Handle should be no longer than 2.5m.
Mesh size should not exceed 25mm.
More Details Coming Soon
Saturday 17th July 2021
Breathing Devices
Underwater breathing apparatus (other than a snorkel) is not permitted when taking fish by any means
Pyramid Traps
Must have a single, rigid top opening, with a minimum size of 15cm in all its dimensions, parallel to the base of the trap
Must have a mesh size of no more than 25mm
Must have a maximum base size of 60cm in length and width
Canister Traps
The trap must not exceed 60cm in length or 50cm in width, height or diameter.
It must open at one end.
Size of the mesh must be no more than 25mm (if not made of rigid material).
When the width, height or diameter is measured anywhere along the length of the trap, it must not exceed the diameter of the trap’s opening.
Sale of fish and other prohibitions
Sale of fish
The taking of fish for trade or commerce including sale, other than by licensed fishers, is prohibited in Queensland.
Miscellaneous prohibitions
The following activities are illegal throughout Queensland:
jagging or foul hooking fish
using explosives, poisons or electrical devices to take fish (divers may use a powerhead on a spear gun only in defence against sharks)
interfering with authorised aquaculture activities
obstructing lawful netting operations, damaging or interfering with fishing apparatus, or removing fish from apparatus without lawful authority
possessing or carrying prohibited apparatus in closed waters unless the apparatus is dismantled, stowed and secured
removing, damaging or interfering with markers or signs erected under the authority of fisheries legislation
using underwater breathing apparatus (other than a snorkel) to take fish without a lawful authority to do so
taking oysters from any oyster ground; however, a person may consume oysters on the spot where taken in any public oyster reserve or on unlicensed oyster grounds
interfering with marine life in a Fish Habitat Area - line fishing is allowed in certain areas of marine parks, and there is no specific prohibition on fishing in a Fish Habitat Area. The collecting of yabbies (with a hand pump only), or worms captured by hand, is also allowed in Fish Habitat Areas.