Charleville Fishing & Restocking Club Inc.
Golden Perch (Yellowbelly)
size limit - 30 cm
possession limit - 10
Blue Claw Yabby
size limit - nil
possession limit - 100
females carrying eggs and young must be returned to the water
Murray Cod
minimum size - 60 cm
possession limit - 2
1st August - 31st October is a closed season any cod caught during these months need to be safely returned to the water as it is their breeding season.
Red Claw Yabby
size limit - nil
possession limit of 40
Not to be returned unless their natural range. In its natural range including Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division and from the Jacky Jacky River basin south to the Normanby River basin on the east coast of Queensland.
Carp is a restricted noxious fish under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
It must not be kept, fed, given away, sold, or released into the environment without a permit.
If caught they must be immediately humanely killed and disposed of responsibly away from the water body.
We recommend burning after being humanely killed as it reduces the smell on the riverbanks.
Spangled Perch (Bobby)
Silver Perch
(Black Bream)
Eel-Tailed Catfish
No minimum size - No Size Limit
possession limit - 20
In Paroo and Warrego
river systems
minimum size - 35cm
possession limit - 5
Common Carp
Mirror Carp
Koi Carp
Live bait
The use of fish and crustaceans such as spangled perch, redclaw crayfish, shrimp and yabbies as bait (dead or alive) is prohibited outside their natural environment or range. This is to prevent species from becoming established in foreign habitats and causing environmental damage. Currently three species can be used as live bait. They are:
redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) - native to the Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division and some river basins in the far northern portion of the East Coast Drainage Division. Redclaw can be used as bait only in these areas
shrimp (Macrobrachium australiensis) - found throughout Queensland and can be used as bait in all areas of the state
yabby (blueclaw crayfish) (Cherax destructor) - found naturally in the Murray-Darling, Lake Eyre and Bulloo-Bancannia Drainage Divisions, and some river basins in the East Coast Drainage Division. Yabbies can be used as bait only in these areas.